Shipping & Delivery Policy

Shipping & Delivery Policy

Updated at 2022-07-10

Dear Valuable Customers:

Gigrr Platform does NOT include the sale, rent or any other services associated with a physical product hence there is NO delivery and shipping of goods involved.

Since Gigrr Platform is a services platform which connects two parties, the responsibility of the two parties, Gig Owner and Gigrr(candidate ) lies on the individual parties involved.

As a Gig Owner, you are responsible to provide the correct address for the Gig services to take place including general guidance required to reach the venue.

As a Gig owner, you are also required to provide the tools required to render the services to you and the Gigrr( candidate) is only the manpower being provided at your disposal.

As a Gig owner, you assume legal responsibility of the Health, safety and environment if the Gigrr(candidate) while the Gigrr(candidate) is physically present in your premises and any other incidental hazards to the candidate.

As a Gig owner, you agree that a Woman candidate may not be hired or forced to continue working after 6:00 PM IST without her willful consent.

As a Gig owner, you are required to be present in person at the Gig Location or assign a representative who would act responsibly on your behalf while adhering all conditions between Gigrr platform and Gig Owner.

As a Gig owner, in the event of a mishap or a threat to the well being of the Gigrr(candidate), you would be responsible for first aid and/or medical attention to the Gigrr (candidate).
